Fitzroy River Underpass
Rockhampton City, 2018
It’s hard to think of Rockhampton and not think of the presence of Bulls in the region. While giving it a twist from the usual sights in the town by borrowing the frequently used symbol in Persia. As the result an ancient symbol has been modified to represent our Brahman flying: picturing the sky is limit for the growth in our region.
This project was available through Rockhampton Regional Council's invite to Expression of Interest from local artists and I am proud to have been accepted for this as my first mural.
The Bull is a very important symbol of the ancient Persians. Being such a powerful animal, it represents strength, more specifically, the strength of the king and/or the empire. Hence, you can find many reliefs, carvings and statues of bulls in Persepolis and throughout the Persian kingdom. The entrance to Persepolis, the Gate of all Nations, is graced with a pair of bulls with human heads, welcoming the people of the world. The winged bull however indicates while the bull’s hooves are firmly planted on earth, the wings show that the king also rules over heaven. Bulls have held a place of significance in human culture since before the beginning of recorded history. They appear in cave paintings estimated to be up to 17,000 years old. The mythic Bull of the Heavens plays a role in the ancient Sumerian Epic of Gilgamesh, dating as far back as 2150 BC. The importance of the bull is reflected in its appearance in the zodiac as Taurus, and its numerous appearances in mythology, where it is often associated with fertility.
Our Fitzroy River houses the most diverse range of freshwater fish in Australia. There is a big potential that Rockhampton might also become not only beef capital but also Barra capital of Australia. Therefore it seemed impossible not to use Barras in this mural! Inspiring stories: If you love the taste of Barramundi, you might like to know that you are consuming the flesh of an archetypal lover! In the Dreaming, two lovers who are not allowed to be together according to tribal law, run away together. They are pursued by the tribe and finally, with their backs to the ocean, the young man casts his spears at his people, while the woman makes more with the sticks and stones at her feet, binding them together with her hair. When their resources run dry, instead of facing retribution at the hands of the angry tribes’ people, the two clasp each other and enter the water, expecting either death by drowning or shark attack. Out of compassion, the Great Spirit intervenes and transforms the couple into Barramundi so they may stay together eternally. And to this day, Barramundi will die when they leave the water. Mysterious creature dancing in the purity of water- in a word outside of human atmosphere- fish is a symbol of refreshens, linked with vitalising rain and symbol of blessing and fertility. In dry lands of Persia, artists dream of water using fish as the symbol on jars, a role that is reminiscent of blessing and abundance. It is also plays role alongside the sacred goddess Anahita as the symbol of blessing and fertility & the guardian of the roots of the Tree of Life. Thus motifs of fish, in addition to the decorative role, can be found everywhere in Iran within sublimating concepts.